Geomagnetic storms 30 September 2024

0-4- Silent geomagnetic activity
5- Minor geomagnetic storm
6- Moderate geomagnetic storm
7- Strong geomagnetic storm
8- Severe geomagnetic storm
9- Extreme geomagnetic storm

Geomagnetic activity 30 September 2024


No storm

On Monday, September 30, 2024, the geomagnetic activity level was recorded at kIndex 3, indicating a quiet level of magnetic activity. This low kIndex suggests stable conditions in the Earth's geomagnetic field, with minimal disruptions caused by solar wind or coronal mass ejections. For weather-sensitive individuals, a kIndex of 3 typically poses little to no significant impact. Those prone to headaches or migraines may experience a sense of stability, as fluctuations in geomagnetic activity often correlate with the onset of such symptoms. Additionally, this calm period could be ideal for outdoor activities, as the likelihood of experiencing adverse effects related to geomagnetic disturbances is minimal. Overall, a kIndex of 3 creates a reassuring environment for weather-sensitive populations, enabling them to engage in daily routines without the concern of geomagnetic influences. This level of stability fosters a sense of well-being, making it an optimal time for both personal and outdoor engagements.