Geomagnetic storms 26 September 2024

0-4- Silent geomagnetic activity
5- Minor geomagnetic storm
6- Moderate geomagnetic storm
7- Strong geomagnetic storm
8- Severe geomagnetic storm
9- Extreme geomagnetic storm

Geomagnetic activity 26 September 2024


Minor storm

On Thursday, September 26, 2024, a geomagnetic activity level of 5 on the kIndex indicates a Minor geomagnetic storm. This level of activity arises from solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field interactions, leading to an increase in auroras and charged particle influx in the Earth's atmosphere. For weather-sensitive individuals, such as those with certain medical conditions, this level of geomagnetic activity may result in mild disruptions. Symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, and mood fluctuations, potentially exacerbated in those prone to anxiety or cardiovascular issues. Moreover, sleep patterns might be affected due to increased electromagnetic disturbances. While Minor geomagnetic storms rarely cause significant disruptions, awareness of their potential impacts can help sensitive individuals take preventive measures, such as monitoring symptoms and adjusting activities accordingly. Overall, staying informed can aid in managing any physical or emotional health responses related to geomagnetic fluctuations.