Geomagnetic storms 18 November 2024

0-4- Silent geomagnetic activity
5- Minor geomagnetic storm
6- Moderate geomagnetic storm
7- Strong geomagnetic storm
8- Severe geomagnetic storm
9- Extreme geomagnetic storm

Geomagnetic activity 18 November 2024


No storm

On Monday, November 18, 2024, a geomagnetic activity level (kIndex) of 4 indicates a moderate level of geomagnetic disturbance, which is not considered quiet but rather suggests some fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field. Typically, geomagnetic activity is rated on a scale from 0 to 9, with 0 being calm and higher values indicating increasing disturbance. For weather-sensitive individuals, a kIndex of 4 may lead to minor disruptions in mood and health. People with conditions like migraines, those sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, or those with heightened anxiety may experience increased symptoms during this level of geomagnetic activity. It may also affect sleep patterns for some, as disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field can correlate with changes in melatonin secretion. In summary, while a kIndex of 4 doesn't signify extreme geomagnetic activity, it can still have subtle effects on the well-being of individuals who are particularly attuned to such environmental changes. Awareness of these fluctuations can help them prepare for potential health impacts on days with moderate geomagnetic activity.