Geomagnetic storms 6 January 2025

Minor storm
No storm
No storm
0-4- Silent geomagnetic activity
5- Minor geomagnetic storm
6- Moderate geomagnetic storm
7- Strong geomagnetic storm
8- Severe geomagnetic storm
9- Extreme geomagnetic storm

Geomagnetic activity 6 January 2025


Minor storm

On January 6, 2025, the kIndex indicates a level of 5, categorizing it as a Minor geomagnetic storm. This level suggests a moderate disturbance in Earth’s magnetosphere, primarily caused by solar wind and coronal mass ejections from the sun. During a Minor geomagnetic storm, fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field can lead to visible auroras in higher latitudes and may also affect satellite operations and radio communications. For weather-sensitive individuals, such as those with chronic health conditions or those prone to migraines, geomagnetic activity can influence their well-being. Some studies suggest that fluctuations in geomagnetic fields may trigger headaches, disrupt sleep patterns, or exacerbate certain health issues. Individuals may experience increased fatigue, mood changes, or physical discomfort during these periods. It’s advisable for sensitive individuals to be aware of geomagnetic forecasts and take proactive steps, such as managing stress and ensuring adequate rest, to mitigate potential impacts on their health during such storms.