Geomagnetic storms 2 September 2024

0-4- Silent geomagnetic activity
5- Minor geomagnetic storm
6- Moderate geomagnetic storm
7- Strong geomagnetic storm
8- Severe geomagnetic storm
9- Extreme geomagnetic storm

Geomagnetic activity 2 September 2024


No storm

On Monday, September 2, 2024, the geomagnetic activity is rated at a kIndex of 3, indicating a quiet level of geomagnetic disturbances. This level reflects stable atmospheric conditions with minimal fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field. During such periods, solar wind interactions are relatively subdued, minimizing the likelihood of auroras or significant electromagnetic disturbances. For weather-sensitive individuals, a kIndex of 3 generally signifies a low likelihood of magnetic interference, contributing to a sense of calm and stability. However, some people who are particularly attuned to environmental changes may still perceive slight shifts in their well-being. Symptoms such as headaches or fatigue may still arise for these individuals, although they are less common at this activity level. Overall, the impacts of a quiet kIndex are largely positive, allowing for normal daily activities and reduced anxiety related to geomagnetic effects.